Please find attached a copy of the documentary credit/ brief cable. 请查收附件中的信用证复印件/电传。
This notification must be presented with the original documentary credit together with any subsequent amendments and all documents required therein for negotiation. 议付时本通知必须出示正本跟单信用证及任何后续修改的文件以及所有要求的单据。
For the purposes of these Articles, the expressions "Documentary Credit ( s)" and" Standby Letter ( s) of Credit"( hereinafter referred to as "Credit ( s)"), mean any arrangement. 就本惯例而言,“跟单信用证”和“备用信用证”(以下统称“信用证”)意指一项约定。
UCP [ Uniform Customs and Practice ( for Documentary Credit)] (跟单信用证)统一惯例与事物〔
Another method is through the opening of a Documentary Credit. 另一种方法是通过开立“跟单信用证”。
The documentary credit shall be issued together with the order. 信用证必须与订单同时开立。
Was a documentary credit discrepant because of the ambiguity that allowed a document covering at least two different modes of transport and requiring transport between two places that were ( seaports)? 信用证允许单据包括至少两种不同运输方式并要求两个地点(为海港)之间的运输,该跟单信用证本身是否矛盾?
Today, the provision of a packing list document is mandatory for customs and banks under documentary credit systems. 今天,提供包装清单文件是强制性的海关和银行跟单信用证项下的系统。
One of the primary peculiarities of the documentary credit is that the payment obligation is abstract and independent from the underlying contract of sale or any other contract in the transaction. 跟单信用证的主要特性之一即为付款义务的抽象性,且信用证独立于基础买卖合同或商业交易中的其他合同。
In such circumstances, it can only be the issuing bank ( and ultimately, the applicant) that bears the risk of such ambiguity, provided the document covers the routing stated in the documentary credit. 在这样的情况下,只要单据包含了跟单信用证中规定的路线,只能由开证行(而最终由申请人)承担此类含糊不清指示的风险。
It should not bear any mention showing that they have been issued under a documentary credit and should not bear the credit number. 不可显示出任何提及它们已在跟单信用证上得以发行的内容,且同样不能显示出信用证的号码。
2 documents dated prior to the issuance date of this documentary credit is not aceptable. 早于信用证开具日期之前的所有文件是不可接受的。
This documentary credit is available for negotiation to pay without specific restriction to drawers or bone fide holders. 本跟单信用证对出票人或善意持票人不限制议付。
Documentary credit: an arrangement where a bank, on behalf of a customer, makes payment to a third party or authorizes such a payment to be made. 跟单信用证:一种由银行代表一个客户向第三者付款或授权付款的安排。
The documentary credit specifically states that documents are to be sent to Bank B as agent of the issuing bank, Bank A. 跟单信用证明确地规定单据寄送给开证行A银行的代理人B银行。
Application for documentary credit 跟单信用证开证申请书
Documentary Credit available with yourselves by payment against presentation of the documents detailed herein. 你方通过付款能够得到的文件性的信贷条款与文件中在此详细阐述的内容相违背。
We have pleasure in enclosing herewith the mentioned letter of credit This documentary credit is advised without any engagement or responsibility on our part. 我们很高兴在此信中提到此信用证跟单信用证是约定或无责任告诉我们。
A Study on the Payment Style of Documentary Credit under the Condition of Sea Waybill 使用海运单条件下的跟单信用证支付方式研究
Legal nature of documentary credit is disputable in practice and theories. 关于信用证的法律性质在理论和实践上存在很大争议。
Studies of Risks in Documentary Credit Finance 跟单信用证贸易融资风险研究
Discussion on Risk and Countermeasure of Documentary Credit in International Trade 论国际贸易中跟单信用证风险及对策
Chapter One is about the introduction of documentary credit including the origin, development and the future expect, and also the reason why this article bases on issuing bank is given. 文章的第一章是信用证概述,介绍了信用证的起源、发展情况及前景的展望,指出了以开证行为立足点的原因。
Documentary credit, as an important means of international payment, plays an indispensable role in the development of international trade. 信用证作为国际贸易的一种重要的支付方式,对国际贸易的发展起到了非常重要的作用。然而,由于信用证是商人的创造。
As a means of settlement, Documentary credit has been commonly used in international trade for its banking worthiness, less risks and financing offering. 跟单信用证因其在商业信用中增加了银行信用,为国际贸易中的买卖双方降低了风险,在运作各环节能够得到银行的资金融通,多年来一直是国际贸易中常见的结算方式。